Zulip Meeting Management

Triagebot can respond to some commands in Zulip to assist with running a meeting.


Enter a message in Zulip addressed to @triagebot with a command listed below.

Document reading

@triagebot read

This command will cause triagebot to post a comment to poll when everyone is finished reading some document, and are ready to start discussing it. The message looks something like:

Click on the :book: when you start reading (and leave it clicked).
Click on the :checkered_flag: when you finish reading.

Users can then click the emoji reaction buttons to indicate that they are currently reading, and then again when they are finished.

End topic

@triagebot end-topic

This command will cause triagebot to post a comment to poll if everyone in the meeting is ready to move on to the next topic. The message looks something like:

Does anyone have something to add on the current topic?
React with :working_on_it: if you have something to say.
React with :all_good: if not.

Users can then click the emoji reaction buttons to indicate if they are ready or not.

@triagebot await is an alias for end-topic.

End meeting

@triagebot end-meeting

This command will cause triagebot to post a comment to poll if everyone is ready to end the meeting. The message looks something like:

Does anyone have something to bring up?
React with :working_on_it: if you have something to say.
React with :all_good: if you're ready to end the meeting.

Users can then click the emoji reaction buttons to indicate if they are ready to end or not.


This feature has no configuration, it is available to all team members. Note that your Zulip ID needs to be configured in the teams database.


See src/zulip.rs.